Carolann M. Trainor, MAPC, RP, MASp, MBA

In my practice, I specialize in working with individuals and couples, who are overwhelmed, and who may be struggling with trauma or old wounds in their daily life or who are struggling in their interpersonal relationships. I provide a safe and respected environment for clients to share their story with me.

I have worked in community health with physically and developmentally delayed adults, with seniors, with addictions, and as an on-call supervisor for group homes as well as being the administrator/director of a retreat centre. When the Centre closed it’s doors in 2005, I was accepted into Loyola University Chicago Masters program of Spirituality and began a new chapter in my life. In 2008, I came back to Ottawa with 3 Masters and many certifications related to psychotherapy with a desire and commitment to work with individuals and couples.

It is, and will continue to be my gift to give back what I have received.


Registered Psychotherapist (00342)
Clinical Supervisor


  • Centre for Spiritual Growth, Retreat Centre, Executive Director
  • Ottawa-Carleton Lifeskills Office Manager (Developmentally Delayed Adults)
  • Developed and taught Women’s Self Defence Programs/Worshops
  • Trained, studied and taught Aiki JuJitsu (35 years)
  • Yodan, 4th Degree Black Belt in Aiki JuJitsu

My Related Work Experiences

As a Martial Artist in the system of Aikijujutsu for over 36 years, I hold the rank of a 4th degree Black Belt (Yodan). I have studied, trained, taught this self-defence system to adults and children along with offering self-defence workshops for women. My work in this field had become an inherent part of my every day life.